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Cat Tooth Extraction Aftercare Tips

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As your cat ages, it's common for them to suffer from a myriad of dental-related issues, including gingivitis, tooth decay, and cavities. Feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions, or FORL, is a painful condition that occurs on cat's enamel. As FORL worsens, the lesions eat through the enamel and expose the dentin underneath.

Your veterinarian might recommend tooth extraction if your cat is suffering from FORL or any of the other above-mentioned issues. Here are a few steps you should take after your cat's tooth extraction to keep them calm, comfortable, and prevent further damage or infection.

The Hours and Days After Your Cat's Oral Surgery

Tooth extraction is dental surgery, which means your cat will be placed under anesthesia. Depending on the extent of your cat's surgery, you will be able to take them home several hours after the surgery or the next day. Either way, it's important your cat remains calm and warm in the hours and days after the extraction.

Keeping your cat inside a kennel with a blanket is a great option because it minimizes your cat's movements and ensures any other curious pets don't injure your cat's healing gums.

Feeding Your Cat

Switching to wet cat food for the first few days after the extraction will allow your cat's gums to heal. Don't be surprised if your cat doesn't eat until the day following the extraction. Offer your cat a small amount of wet food and some water. As your cat heals, you can begin to reintroduce dry kibble.

However, if all your cat's teeth were extracted, make a permanent switch to wet cat food.

Administering Antibiotics and Pain Relievers

Give your cat any antibiotics and pain relievers as directed by the veterinarian. Depending on the extent of the surgery, your cat may be on multiple painkillers. If your cat won't willingly take the medications, mix it in with some of their wet cat food. Watch your cat to ensure they consume all the medication.

Watch for These Signs of Trouble

Monitor your cat closely in the days following the extraction. If your cat is unwilling to eat or drink water, is in severe pain, despite being given analgesics, is vomiting, lethargic, or cannot open or close their mouth, contact your veterinarian right away. The issue could be an infection, which is life-threatening if not treated quickly.

Properly caring for and monitoring your cat after tooth extraction surgery is the best way to ensure they recover quickly. For more information, contact a vet office like Buck Road Animal Hospital
